Today was Day One of my 5am Writer’s Club Challenge. Which meant that today, I promised myself I would:
- Wake up at 5AM, starting on Tuesday July 21st, 2020.
- Write for one hour.
- Focus only on those creative passion projects you’re always putting off. No marketing writing, no writing for social media, only work on a story that means something to you.
- After your hour is up, write a quick blurb describing today’s writing session.
- Do this daily until July 28th.
So how did that turn out? Well, here are my notes:
4:45 – I wake up with my alarm, only moderately ready to go.
4:46 – I decide I have time to watch one quick video on my phone.
5:15 – I realize that it is now way past 5:00, but that it’s still part of the 5:00 hour, so I should still TECHNICALLY be good, right?
5:16 – Realize that even if I’m going to make those kinds of excuses, I really should get started.
5:20 – Get to my office and set everything set up.
5:28 – Realize that I’m still thinking about watching one more video and I haven’t opened up any of my writing programs.
5:29 – Turn off my phone and finally open up a document.
5:32 – Realize that I just typed the words “and so…” two minutes ago, and ever since then I’ve been going nothing but stare at the document.
5:40 – Realized that this is stupid and boring and I hate this and I don’t have anything to write about…
5:42 – Oh, wait…
5:45 – I’m now writing up a storm!
6:10 – Still writing
6:11 – Hit a good stopping point, only to realize that I’ve still got 19 minutes of writing left to go.
6:12 – Find myself saying things like “Ugh.” and “This is going to take FOREVER.”
6:13 – Decide to just try and flesh out this one little bit.
6:31 – Realize I’ve been done for a minute
One day down, six more to go. See everyone tomorrow!