Well, writer’s block can hit you at any time, and it ran me over like a MAC truck this week.
This #publishpath entry should have been about reviewing my written cover letter and the problems most people have when sending their short fiction out for the first time.
But between a family emergency and dealing with the issues surrounding the quarantine, I find myself still working on that cover letter 30 minutes before my deadline.
I’m going to have to leave the house for some essential errands, and I know I’ll be away from my computer all day today. So even though I know my boss – better than anyone, actually, considering I’m a freelancer working from home – I’m going to have to miss this deadline.
And you know what? That’s OK.
While sticking to a writing or submitting schedule is crucial to getting back in the publishing game, sometimes you’re just going to hit a road block. Especially on the deadlines that don’t have a employer, client, publisher, agent, or fan expectations backing them up.
The main thing is that you should also work on creating solutions that will help you get around that road block and back on track.
Because the rest of my week is going to be busy, at least until Wednesday, I’m going to plan on finishing the cover letter on Thursday or Friday.
We’ll talk about what happened and how I was able to work around my problems next week.