It was a bright day in my life when Vera, of, offered me the chance to join her stable of book reviewers.
Between 2010 and 2016, I worked as a part-time book reviewer at And I loved every minute of it. I got a chance to review books from a wide range of genres. I reviewed new authors and seasoned professionals. I reviewed books that were downright sensational, and books that I was mildly surprised had been published at all.
Vera was an amazing teacher. She not only made me want to write the best review possible, she made me grateful that someone as smart and amazing as her had given me a chance.
I recently got a chance to review some of my old work, and I was delighted to see how many of my old reviews stood up. And in an effort to spread the love, I’m going to brag about some of my favorites.
I got a little excessive with the word count on the review, but I had to voice my displeasure. This book’s cover was decorated with rippling abs. I had ab expectations. Abpectations, if you will. Yet, all I got was an adorable, PG-rated romance between some public domain fairy tale characters. I wasn’t disappointed, necessarily. But I did have a lot of Feelings about it.
6 – How To Make Real Money Selling Books
I learned a lot from this book, but only after I skimmed or outright ignored the instructions. A lesson for both book reviews, and life itself.
5 – Coppola: A Pediatric Surgeon in Iraq
You shouldn’t tell a brilliant, compassionate, troubled, genius surgeon who wants to do nothing but help kids in a war zone that his incredible biography is lacking detail. But I did. And there’s a good reason why.
4 – Yours Ever: People and Their Letters
While every book I’ve reviewed was amazing in it’s own way, this one might actually be my favorite. I’m not kidding. Read the review, it’ll show you how serious I am.
3 – Pain, Parties, Work: Sylvia Plath in New York, Summer 1953
This book was my first serious introduction to Sylvia Plath. Which is horrible to say (type?) out loud, because I have a B.A. in English. Thankfully, this book showed me the error of my ways.
2- Either You’re In or You’re In the Way
Great book. Great story. Great brothers. Great success. Great ending. Great beginning. Great book. Check it out.
1 – Doctor Kinney’s Housekeeper
I knew this would be my final book review for the site. Vera was fighting terminal breast cancer at the time, and she understandably was trying to focus on spending her last days with her family. So we all got a chance to select one final book to review before she stopped posting on the site.
I remember picking this book, and wanting so badly to like it. I wanted the last thing Vera would hear from me to be good news, of a sort. As it turns out, I didn’t need to worry. The book, the author, the product line, they’re all amazing. Go see.